There is no “return to normal” or “new normal,” at least not if you’re awake and aware (despite “awoke”). But “new realities” sounds vague, so here’s specifically what I’m thinking about and observing.


Balancing Act®: The Newsletter

(No. 273, May 2022)

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Balancing Act® is in four sections this month:

  1. Post-Pandemic New Realities
  2. The Human Condition: Machismo
  3. Musings
  4. ORTIYKMWOYBNT-O Department


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Post-Pandemic New Realities

Post-Pandemic New Realities

  • Many fewer meetings will be held in person, especially among conventions, trade associations, and professional groups.
  • Take-out food will continued to be featured even at high-end restaurants.
  • Bank deposits will decline as people search for better returns for their money in the stock market, and make purchases which they’ve denied themselves for a couple of years.
  • The absurd guidelines for emissions and mileage will cause frustration as will the lack of charging stations and repair facilities for electric cars nationally, causing many people to lose interest in efforts to counter climate change.
  • The climate change cause will be matched in passion by anti-animal-harvest groups which will seek legislation banning the consumption of meat, fish, and other animal products resulting from captivity.
  • Broadway and live theater in general will be back with a vengeance and people will flock to live performances and concerts.
  • Gambling casinos will reach new heights in revenue.
  • Baseball will decline seriously in popularity due to the length of the games, the expense for a family to attend, and the focus on home run hitting against very tough pitching. It’s become a game of analytics instead of talent.
  • Tom Brady will be in the playoffs once again.
  • Any new biological outbreak will not be met with the same levels of discipline and isolation as with the outbreak of Covid. People are skeptical of the medical establishment and, of course, politicians.
  • Organizations which once derided the focus on short-term and quarterly profits will now pay far more attention to them because of the turbulence of the economy and the inability to set any long-term, coherent strategies.
The Human Condition


Machismo if usually defined as excessive male pride. Some say the tango is a dance of machismo. But, I wonder, is there a female machismo? (Is it, for example, orgullo femenino excesivo?)

My point is that excessive pride is often caused by excessive low self-esteem and feelings of powerlessness. I don’t think all those people who refuse to allow you to turn in front of them in traffic are rude people. I think they’re often having a bad day, or feeling overlooked, or who perceive they have no influence. Hence, they try to create some sense of power and control wherever they can.

This is not a gender issue, it’s a human issue.

We’ve seen people “nose into” a parking space that someone else is waiting to back into properly. I’ve seen people sneak into air clubs pretending to be with people who have legitimate credentials, and then brag about their “daring” act. We’ve all seen people smoke in front of “no smoking” signs, or shoplift trivial items.

Our experience in some Mideastern cities, especially, was that men would not yield an inch on a narrow sidewalk and showed no respect for women whatsoever. Some people won’t merge even when the traffic is merging and the signs indicate to merge. It’s a matter of machismo.

My daughter-in-law is Puerto Rican, as is my hair stylist. They both tell me that “Latinos” is the plural to be used with combinbed men and women in the group. One would not say “Latinos and Latinas.” (They also point out that “Latinx” is a loathed term, since there is no “x” in Spanish and it appears to be some kind of “virtue signaling” by the holier-than-thou.)

Consequently, we’re talking about machismo as a human trait based in perceived weakness, not strength, focused on minor issues not major ones, and always the opposite of the tango, where two partners engage as equals to make beautiful art.



We really have no perspective about perspective.

What I mean is that we default to the position that other people somehow share our personal view of things. I don’t mean viewing a piece of art or listening to some music, where one person senses beauty and the other banality.

I mean the difference between theoretically understanding when the polio vaccine was introduced and vaccinations took place nationally, and actually having been there. There is simply a huge difference with the exception of those people really serious about history and who are intellectually curious.

I wasn’t alive during the Civil War (just missed it) but I’ve read over 40 books about it, took a college course focused on it, and visited several battle sites. My knowledge of that period—the battles, sanitation, leadership, politicians, public reactions, and so forth—is significant.

While I was born in 1946 (as the eldest of the “baby boomers”) I don’t remember WW II, since it had just ended. But my father fought in it and my mother was at home waiting for him. Most adult men had fought in it, or at least been in the armed services. There was rationing and sacrifice that carried over to my youngest years.

I was in high school during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Students were crying in the halls and teachers were preoccupied and quite serious. I have a hard time explaining it and I know the people I talk to about it have a harder time understanding it. It seems like an amorphous, almost mythical event to younger people.

We don’t share perspectives well, so that our reactions to current events are quite different. Rioting is awful, terrorism is heinous, Covid is frightening—but none present the possibility of worldwide annihilation and a nuclear winter as did the Cuban Missile Crisis. Yes, it was that close.

Polio scared the hell out of all of us, we watched people die and be carted away. So the vaccine was a divine intervention and universally well received. The reluctance to be vaccinated against Covid is mysterious intransigence and misplaced seeking of “freedom” to many of us who experienced the polio scare.

We have to take into account others’ perspectives and try to accommodate them with respect. Otherwise, we expect them to act as we do without experiencing what we’ve experienced, and vice versa. How important is that?

I was always intellectually impressed by the Great Wall of China. And then one blessed day I was able to stand on it. And I felt like an ant, and had a very visceral reaction to what people created two thousand years ago, part of which can’t even be repaired today with modern equipment.

I can go to China, but I can’t get inside your head and you can’t get inside mine.

Only Read This if You Know Me Well

With my second Covid booster, I asked a lot of questions, and I didn’t look at the injection, gritted my teeth, acted like a child. When I asked if she had put a bandage on the site I refused to look at, she said she did give me one with a very cute llama on it. (I took it off in the car before my wife could see it.)

Development Opportunities
Return to Australia

Return to Australia

I’ll be making my 19th trip in October, this time to Brisbane, to present a week of unique offerings from passive income and global “reach” to a new strategy approach. Join me and your peers for my latest value to grow your business and decrease your labor facing our “new realities.” There is limited seating capacity

Ferocious Time Management

Ferocious Time Management

I’m tired of wasting my time hearing people tell me they have no time!!In a rare appearance in San Diego, I’m going to help you ruthlessly organize yourself so that you have time to close business, deliver a remote speech, create a book outline, and learn to tame wild beasts before lunch. Seriously, time is “elastic,” and you can stretch it to accommodate what you need to accomplish. Moreover, most people work too hard to achieve too little. Discretionary time is wealth, not money, but we’re prone to work so hard chasing money that we erode our wealth. Create greater output in a 20-hour week!

Million Dollar Consulting® College

Million Dollar Consulting® College

I’ve been asked to run this again, and I miss it, so I’m going to do it on December 13-15 (2.5 days) in Castle Hill, Newport, RI, my usual stomping grounds. The beach houses in the winter are fantastic. There’s a great holiday atmosphere that time of year. It will be on my site next week. I’ll be focusing on what I’ve seen as the critical areas for success: brand-building, accelerating referrals, provocative IP, low labor revenue focus, the post-pandemic lasting realities, and so forth.

The fee is $15,000, which includes lodging, breakfast, lunch, breaks, and one dinner. If you catch me at the bar, it could include two dinners. I’m also going to take time to show how I create this and other workshops, step by step, live or remote. If you register with me prior to June 1 the fee is $12,000. If you buy a Bentley Card before June 1, you can attend the College for free, no deduction on the card. Past grads are welcome to attend for $5,000.

Million Dollar Consulting® Global Online Program

Million Dollar Consulting® for the World

I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? We have over 500 people from 43 countries.

Beyond Thought Leadership

Beyond Thought Leadership

Six “stars” from my community from five countries will be interviewed by me in this live, 2.5 day experience. I’ll be introducing new IP, case studies, and role-plays. And the final interview will be with me. This is one-time only, it was difficult to organize. Limited participation, in Miami in November, register now, no one else can offer this experience for your growth.

The Don’t Attend this Workshop (Livestream)

The Don’t Attend this Workshop (Livestream)

The workshop is only, amazingly, $250 (until April 20, then we go to $350). You will have a free recording to access at your convenience, as well. You may send me questions in advance if you can’t be there in person, or ask during them at the live event if you can be there. If anyone wants to attend in person, at the retreat center in my home, I’ll utilize you as a live audience, take you to lunch, and spend the afternoon in a live, group coaching session, off-camera. That fee is $2,500. If you want to drive the Rolls, the fee is $5,000, and you can’t drink at lunch!  I’m going to prepare you for the New Realities in the No Normal® world. But that depends what you believe and don’t believe.


Alan Weiss’s Balancing Act® Newsletter is a registered trademark of Alan Weiss and Summit Consulting Group, Inc.
© Alan Weiss 2022

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